Блог пользователя coolboy19521

Автор coolboy19521, история, 5 недель назад, По-английски

I know, people hate this kind of blogs. What I mean by this kind is a call of help from a noob. But I think, I can not answer questions in my head by myself and need some guidance. I have started CP in October and eversince I had some achievements. What I call an achievement is promoting silver in USACO or being titled specialist in codeforces. But recently I am not able to find myself successful. I am aware of that my achievements are pretty normal for most of the people in codeforces. But when I started my journey I wanted to be good at what I do. But I guess I am not. The reason behind me writing this blog is "crying for help". I can not find inner peace for so long now. I feel stuck. It would be so great if you could guide me on what should I do next or even your experience helps. I hope you mind commenting to this blog. Cheers.

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5 недель назад, # |
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Im two years in CF and only green, so at least you are better than me!

5 недель назад, # |
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did you do codeforces fulltime or just practise question sidewise along with some other stuff like dev or job ??

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    5 недель назад, # ^ |
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    I'm ninth grade. I don't work. But attend robotics competitions which takes a lot of time. Recently I was not able to solve any problems at all. But now I am ready to give up robotics for cp. I hope this explains it. Thanks for caring.

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      5 недель назад, # ^ |
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      are u from india ?

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      5 недель назад, # ^ |
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      wow, I feel you. I am also a 9th grader and also started cp in October. And yes, I also feel stuck after learning so much, think I can't progress(or atleast it's hard for me). I think I can recommend a book, but don't know how to send it. It contains a lot of algorithms and data structures, our mentor sent us. Anyways, wish you best of luck in CP.

5 недель назад, # |
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did you really mean "I need help from a noob" ?

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    5 недель назад, # ^ |
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    i dont understand your profile like after practising 1200+ problems you are newbie is anything I am not getting ?? please clarify sir

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      5 недель назад, # ^ |
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      pupil is not easy for me and perhaps I'm 12 years old so should be pupil now but not :(

5 недель назад, # |
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I was really big diream in cp. One upon a time, I worked hard but found no result. But I had got some reason behind it. I mentioned them, this may help you. 1. Inconsistency and lack of manage enough time. 2. Very poor in English. Both reading and listening when watching complex algorithm tutorial. 3. When complex implementation/algorithm comes, I don't cope with it and give it up. 4. I was very afraid of negative ratung and can't take stress while participating in contest. 5. Scared about some advance topic like probability, Combinatorics, 6. Can't get out from my comfort zone like solving higher rating problem from my current rating.

However, I will suggest you, list down your problem and try to overcome it. You can manage 1:1 mentor. Sometimes I believe, some people like LGM are god gifted, because their brain work so fast. I don't know why the reason it and why we are difference from them. After all I am still trying to improve myself, you can see my curve ); Finally, sorry for my long comment, you can ignore it if you find it no helpful.

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    5 недель назад, # ^ |
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    Your comment is really valuable. I am facing the same exact problems and being aware of other people having similar problems made me feel relieved. I wish the best for you. And no, I find your long comment helpful :)

5 недель назад, # |
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I think you feel like being stuck, but actually you don't (national oi / onsite competitions results says it all). Maybe you burnt from cp, and you don't feel like solving problems anymore. But don't be unmotivated, you will make to ejoi!

5 недель назад, # |
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Slove difficult problems if u feel stuck that's the only solution to grow.

5 недель назад, # |
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Just practice. Use those ladders (a2oj, c2...) or do virtual contests or whatever. Try really hard to solve the problems and if you can't, read the solution. If the solution needs a topic you don't know, learn the topic.

There's really not much more to it. I've never met anyone who improved without practicing or who practiced and didn't improve.

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    5 недель назад, # ^ |
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    Top-tier advice this is. I guess just focusing on my hobby and trying my best to be good at it must be my only motivation. Appreciate your comment.

5 недель назад, # |
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Champ you are already doing great just be patient and keep practicing problem out of your comfort zone your rating will definitely increase

5 недель назад, # |
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Your practice level is decent, and your improvement rate is not too bad.

If you want to improve faster, you just need to be thinking about problems even more. Never underestimate how obsessed some of the top people are, even if they're not submitting some are thinking of problems every second of free time!

Being good is all about making your mindset second nature to think incremental simple insights that lead up to complex idea and exposing yourself so many times to similar climbs that you have a 6th sense in directions that are more likely to work.

5 недель назад, # |
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Do more contests , you havent done a single one since march.

4 недели назад, # |
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If you are seeking for a coach, I can connect you with one.

4 недели назад, # |
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It's all nothing but more practise. Just do more problems out of your comfort zone and choose tags that u find it hard, do anything that u don't find it easy. When u find it not challenging anymore, move on to higher levels. Two years ago I behave very bad in contests but after training like this now I'm much better.

Anyway, good luck!

4 недели назад, # |
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Keep grinding man, all it takes to improve is practice 🫂

3 недели назад, # |
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guys he just made it to EJOI 2024 with 1st place at the tst among of juniors, congratulations!

3 недели назад, # |
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Don't worry, me also be not successfull sometimes on easy problems on codeforces, but I think you need to learn writing time limit solution for each problem, if you cannot solve that problem