arpan_99's blog

By arpan_99, history, 21 month(s) ago, In English

Question: Given a list arr of N integers, print sums of all subsets in it.


N = 2

arr[] = {2, 3}


0 2 3 5

Expected Time Complexity: O(2^N)

Expected Auxiliary Space: O(2^N)

Code —

class Solution
    int subset_sum(vector<int> arr, int n, int i, int sum, vector<int> &ans){
        if (i == n){
            return sum;
        int x = subset_sum(arr, n, i+1, sum+arr[i], ans);
        int y = subset_sum(arr, n, i+1, sum, ans);
        //not including
    vector<int> subsetSums(vector<int> arr, int n){
        sort(arr.begin(), arr.end()); 
        vector<int> ans;
        subset_sum(arr, n, 0, 0, ans);
        return ans;

For Input:


1 1

Your Output:

-647528304 -647528304 0 1 1 2

Expected Output:

0 1 1 2

Please help me understand where are these garbage values coming from (-647528304, -647528304)

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