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Блог пользователя hbibnzamNipa

Автор hbibnzamNipa, 11 лет назад, По-английски

In last few years Ive been participating in Indian On-line Contest like Byte-code , KOPC, ITRIX , Insomnia etc. and placed in top positions to be eligible for prize money . Some of them like Bytecode , codechef etc. sent the proper prize money But unfortunately from most of the other contest Ive not yet got my prize money for a year .... for many times I contacted with them but most of the times they didn't reply .

I must say prize money is not all in programming contest , as most of us participate in that contests just for fun , excitement . But pre-declaring they will give prize in Codechef , but not giving that amount is kind of cheating in on-line commitment .

So , as I say , I always appreciate for their effort in On-line contest , but if they are not eager to send money to the competitors then I request them don't declare about prize money to attract more contestant and advertise their university .

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