tickbird's blog

By tickbird, history, 7 days ago, In English

Is it even worth attempt? do low-iq people like me get anything from cp?

When I started cp 9 months ago, my expectation was my computational thinking or general critical thinking ability enhance over time, dreaming of becoming candidate master like everyone else.

But that wasn't true! at this point, I start to believe skill-set that demand from cp is something intrinsic property of people (iq) than something trainable.

maybe I should've never started cp

just not for me.

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By tickbird, history, 3 weeks ago, In English

Can regular people become orange (cf rating +2100) by any chance?

Regular mean median population iq, with no special background e.g) specialized high school specifically designed for CP/IOI training or similar.

I actually wondering if there is any, I mean in history.

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By tickbird, history, 5 weeks ago, In English

despite I solved about 150 (*1400~2100) problems

I'm not sure how to even comprehend

at this point it seems everything I've been doing with cp is like cope.

read whole chapter about dp, go over tutorial, look redcoders code

solving hundreds of problem and still have no clue how to start problem like 1969C - Minimizing the Sum (last Edu round third problem).

seriously what should I do

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By tickbird, history, 7 weeks ago, In English

Add this line on top of your code

template <typename T> istream& operator>>(istream& is, vector<T> &a) {
    copy_n(istream_iterator<T>(is), a.size(), a.begin()); return is;

then you can do following

vector<int> a(n);
cin >> a // read n int
vector<long long> a(n);
cin >> a // read n long long
vector<string> a(n);
cin >> a // read n string

vector<vector<int>> a(n, vector<int>(m));
for (auto &r: a) cin >> r; // read n by m matrix

now you don't need to write this every time

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    cin >> a[i];

or use macro or weird template.

you specified type and size at declaration of vector, so let cin handle it.

clean & minimal code change use of STL & portable & easy to understand. thus idiomatic

(disclaimer: don't try to read anything other than primitive and std::string because it's simply undefined, std::pair<int, int> is probably most obvious one but you can if you want to)

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By tickbird, history, 4 months ago, In English

Why am I still green after 7 months of starting CF?

I spent 2.5 hours / day on average for CF and solved 400 non *800 problems on various topics.

read & follow advice from "how to improve", "how to become expert"

"practice problems slightly higher than your rating", "learn binary search", "do virtual participation", etc

I did everything I could and still green.

Normally, if regular person spends this amount of time and effort on single topic, then it should be *1600 (elo rating, expert in cf) but that was my personal belief.

this is far far below average, I've never experienced this level of suffering in my life from middle school to college entrance or even gaming.

I'm getting serious and start to reconsider my life.

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By tickbird, history, 4 months ago, In English

Since many people perceive normal differently here is my definition of normal people

  • median IQ
  • have not undergone intensive training when they were teenage this includes but not limited to (OI, IMO experience, went science & engineering affiliated boarding school or academy)
  • start cp after 18

has anyone ever seen single redcoder in cf who is normal? I know two redcoder irl, one at the middle school (graduate early & went science school) and one at Univ but but they were defiantly irregular.

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By tickbird, history, 5 months ago, In English

Dear codeforces community, particularly non-gifted, low IQ users.

How do you handle your depression? I mean seriously, this is suck.

I've been practicing CF over half years literally every single day,

solved multiple high-rated (1400-1800) problems and see ZERO improvements like whatsoever.

But I want to good at CF but, really can't continue without resolve my depression issue.

please refrain from comment if you have high-IQ. i've been diagnosed with ADHD at 13.

Thank you

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