Peregrine_Falcon's blog

By Peregrine_Falcon, 3 years ago, In English

Hello, Codeforces community! I'm glad to invite you to the Replay of National Girls' Programming Contest 2021 which will be held on November 28, 2021, at 18:00 +0600 and will run for 05 hours.

The contest will take place at

This is not a rated contest. You can register for the contest here.

Problems of this contest were prepared and tested by upobir, YouKn0wWho, Shefin_, ovis96, rebornplusplus, curly_braces, adnan_toky, Asaduzzaman Herok, ash_98, Abdur_Rahman_Shajib, CLown1331, Hasinur_, hjr265, Humaun kabir, ishtupeed, jAckAL_1586, mainstring, Joty, TarifEzaz, rifatrraazz, tahsin_protik, TarikHassan, gola and me.

Thanks to TarifEzaz for his unconditional support and hjr265 for the best contest programming platform in Bangladesh.

We're inviting you all to participate in this contest. Hope you will enjoy the problem set. There will be an editorial for this contest shortly after the round ends.

Contest Link: Replay of National Girls' Programming Contest 2021

Happy Coding!

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