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Thanks, fixed.

will there be an explanation for the solutions of the problems ?

weak tests H


will there be a live raffle draw or will it be only mailed to the winners?

i think F.kt and G.kt should be swapped


And some of mine tester's solutions while editorial is still in progress can be checked here.


Thank you for participation! We hope you enjoyed the problems.

The editorial is currently unfinished, you can view the partial version here (all problems except H and J). We will post the full editorial on CF tomorrow.


My second time participating Kotlin Heroes with 4 problems solved and D in the last (two) minutes!


The problems are really nice and it's fun to play with the syntax, hope the other rating contests can bring such excitement. Thanks AtCoder Custom Test as my Kotlin compiler!

Thank you guys for the cool contest!


List<T>.split when


Lmao what match ?


In Russia T-shirts ships you my frend

wish luck for all participants


i don't participation because i live in syria so i can not get a t-shirt look at me code force don't send us anything but please don't, ban code force from syria

This Submission is giving a TLE on test 9 but the complexity is $$$O(N)$$$. Am i doing something wrong in the implementation?

Upd : Got AC on Kotlin 1.9

bro boring match

Should this post appear on Some of the posts for episodes 1-9 appear there.


What about adding JetBrains IDEs licenses to the list of prizes? It sounds like a good opportunity to market your IDEs in addition to Kotlin itself among competitive programmers. At the same time that will increase prize pool at no cost which would likely help to get more people interested.

Contest is clashing with GT vs KKR ipl match, please postpone.

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