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Dowletgeldi_57_41's blog

By Dowletgeldi_57_41, 10 years ago, In English

Hello everyone! I'm new on codeforces and programming. It's my first blog entry. Sorry for my mistakes. I know some algorithms but I can't use them in contests. I ask you books for easy (beginner) or (elementary) algorithms that every programmer should know. I would be glad if someone helps me to be a good programmer. I want to solve at least 3 or 4 problems from div2. I know that it is not impossible.

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10 years ago, # |
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10 years ago, # |
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You can search from Google
You don't need write stupid blog to codeforces

10 years ago, # |
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I think that solving problems would help you much more than reading a book. try to solve some problems that you haven't solve yet.and if you couldn't answer that read the tutorial. and the best place for finding one algorithm is wikipedia.if you didn't know the used algorithm in tutorial search in it. for now start with this problems(use problems tags): greedy,dp,dfs,brute force,data structures,binary search,sorting. Sort them by number of solvers and solve 20-30 from each of them. For data structures I don't no where should you look, because someone teach me this topic. but if you still want to read a book I think the book " introduction to algorithms a creative approach" is the best of all for starting,and after that CLRS. sorry for my poor English.

10 years ago, # |
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TopCoder tutorials are very good, give 'em a try.

10 years ago, # |
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Please even once vote up my comment ! I'd be happy.