Блог пользователя MayankPratap

Автор MayankPratap, история, 8 лет назад, По-английски

Hello fellow coders!! I am a 2nd year undergraduate at MNNIT-Allahabad and I have remodelled Codeforces Toolkit originally developed by my senior pakhandi. My friends shark_s and pdoongarwal helped me in this project.

Here is the link to it :-CF toolkit

Here is link to source code :- Source Code

Here is a short description of utilities :

Last 15 submissions : A php page to view last 15 submissions by a user..

All Solved : A php page to view all the solved problems by a user..

Common submissions : A php page to view common questions solved by two users..

Compete : A php page to compare the statistics of two users..

It is attempt on making something which is related to what we do i.e.,competitive programming.

We are a bunch of enthusiastic coders who want to code,build,hack.Any ideas for new features are welcome.

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8 лет назад, # |
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Instead of last 15 submissions, maybe try 15, 30, ..... until all submissions? Also checking a user's stats on all of his/her competitions from the beginning of cf? Looks like a very interesting tool to use. Maybe I can port this to something like phonegap...

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    8 лет назад, # ^ |
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    We already have an all submissions option. But we can work on your user's stats on all of his/her competitions. Thanks for feedback ..