About an alleged cheating case

Revision en1, by Proofy, 2023-06-26 22:37:44

Hello all!

The Story

Recently, I was blessed by competing in CodeTON Round 5 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, Rated, Prizes!) and enjoying its problems. I solved A, B, and C, and took quite a bit of time with D and then when I finally finished the code for E (which I thought was buggy), there were less than 5 minutes for the contest time, so I submitted really quickly to see if my code passed.

Apparently, I clumsily did not read codeforces rules carefully, but I knew later that having multiple accounts was prohibited in codeforces. I was participating in this contest from another account (EvilProofy) and was planning to compete for the rest of the contest from this account.

When I submitted the code in the last 4-5 minutes in the contest hastily, I realized that I submitted from my main account (this one) by mistake. I clumsily submitted the same codes for the rest of the problems from both accounts; I was in a rush because there was not much time left in the contest.

I felt a bit of sorrow right after the contest because of the clumsy mistake I made, so I released a blog to explain my situation to see if I can undo what has just been done, and it was only then (thanks — so much — to colposh for telling me) that I learned it was mentioned in https://codeforces.com/help#q6: "Don't create more than one account, if you have forgotten the password, use the password reminding system" and then this blog got a flood of downvotes that it even became inaccessible to other codeforces users.

My Reflections

I have never cheated once in my life; I hate cheating, and I am against it. I love codeforces, and I love participating in codeforces contests (I do it for fun, it's not even part of my career). I enjoy the problems, and I don't care that much about rating. I sincerely apologize for not reading the rules carefully; I understand that this deserved the downvotes.

After what happened, my contribution was down to -38, the system is about to make a rating drop of probably more than 250. I felt like this contest scarred my account forever appearing as a major drop in my chart, and if someone checked it out, it would appear that I cheated (also considering my negative contribution).

I am writing this blog just to make it clear that I did not cheat, and am against cheating and breaking the rules. If I had known that creating multiple accounts is prohibited, I would not have created the other account.

I wanted to apologize again for not reading carefully and missing this rule. I can even have my other account EvilProofy banned and closed, and I would be OK. I would, of course, love it if the contest was unrated for me and the other account becomes simply closed/banned. However, I really don't care about the rating drop, I just want to clarify that I hate cheating and would never intend to cheat.

It looks to me that I have lost being a respected codeforces user, which troubled me for a bit. I am sorry if that blog wasted your time, my dear reader, but it was something I wanted to document. Thank you so much for making it here, you're a nice person :)


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en4 English Proofy 2023-06-26 23:54:05 0 (published)
en3 English Proofy 2023-06-26 23:52:12 782
en2 English Proofy 2023-06-26 23:02:54 30
en1 English Proofy 2023-06-26 22:37:44 3216 Initial revision (saved to drafts)