2017 North Central North America ACM-ICPC Regional

Revision en1, by brycesandlund, 2017-10-28 03:10:06

Hi all,

The 2017 North Central North America ACM-ICPC Regional Programming Contest is tomorrow. Our region hosted the World Finals last year. There is an open division for anyone who is interested in competing, link here: https://open.kattis.com/contests/ncna17open. Official scoreboard will be live at https://ncna17.kattis.com/ at 4pm UTC tomorrow.

Myself and Dr. Larry Pyeatt of SDSMT primarily created the problem set, with the help of: Robert Hochberg, Bowen Yu, y0105w49, Menghui Wang, Andrew Morgan, The East Coast North America regional problem development team, and especially, the Kattis team, specifically Fredrik Niemela and Greg Hamerly, to which we are very grateful.

Good luck to all contestants tomorrow!


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English brycesandlund 2017-10-28 03:10:06 799 Initial revision (published)