Competitive Programming using... Scratch?

Revision en1, by dolphingarlic, 2020-08-21 13:43:26

One of the many reasons why SAPO is the best informatics Olympiad is that we're allowed to submit solutions in Scratch (TianCilliers wrote a CMS plugin to support Scratch a while ago)

The second round of SAPO 2020 was held earlier this week, so obviously I had to try to solve the problems using Scratch.

The problems were:

  • Given X, Y, and N, output N / X + N / Y - N / lcm(X, Y).
  • Add two given numbers in base B for a given B.
  • This problem but modulo 1e8.
  • Given a tree and some paths, find the number of edges in the union of those paths.

I was able to solve the first and third problems this way:

but I couldn't implement the second and fourth problems.

As you can see in the code for problem 3, working with multiple arrays is a bit of a nightmare.

I feel like problem 2 is solvable using Scratch (albeit very painfully), but since Scratch doesn't have 2D arrays, I don't see how one could solve problem 4 using Scratch.

Do any of you have ideas about how one can work with graphs using Scratch?

(P.s. my other Scratch implementations are available at

Tags scratch, help, discussion


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en2 English dolphingarlic 2020-08-21 21:10:23 151
en1 English dolphingarlic 2020-08-21 13:43:26 1434 Initial revision (published)