Where is Anurag Lal, the untracable red coder from NSUT (INDIA)?

Revision en3, by nsut_dwarka, 2022-01-03 16:59:26

I am a second year undergrad student at NSUT. I came across the linkedIn profile of one of my seniors Anurag Lal. Seeing the profile I was very impressed by the achievements and honors mentioned in his profile. I haven't met him or talked to him personally, but have heard about him from my peers.

But seeing his profile, I have become a little fishy of the achievements mentioned there. I may be totally wrong, but I will present what I can infer from the information available in his linkedIn profile. First of all, all the achievements and honors mentioned on his profile aren't backed by any certificate or relevant links. Though, it is not necessary to back them up with certificates and links, but doing so surely adds to the credibility when stakes are already so high.

He mentions in his LinkedIn profile heading that he is a 7 star coder on codechef and master on codeforces. When we scroll down to his Honors & Awards, we see a highest codeforces rating of 2563. It is a damm impressive rating and easily the best from my institutiuon and even in top 10 or 15 from India.

Further, he has interned from Google California in his second year at college. This again is a very impressive achievement for a second year student. I was not able to find any codeforces/codechef profile upon googling his name. I even searched for 7 star people on codechef from India. All of them had some profile identifier none of which I could attribute to him. I haven't searched in the global ranklist of codechef for any matching profile. Though it may be possible that he made an account with a different country, but again he is mentioning in his LinkedIn profile that he is a 7 star coder so there should be some amount of credibility atleast.

Further, he has mentioned in his LinkedIn profile that he got a rank of 10 amongst 1112 participants. I went to the rankings page, and found the participant with rank 10 is only a four star participant which I cannot trace back to Anurag Lal in any way.

Also, he has mentioned that he secured rank 2476 in codejam round 1A, 2020. The name of the account there is "bmu". I checked codeforces and there exists a profile with the same name. I further cross checked the template used by bmu which exactly matches the template used by the codejam account in question. Hopefully bmu can provide us with verification that he is or is not Anurag Lal.

I know it may not be none of my business to question a certain individual. But that individual is being looked upon by thousands of junior students like us and if they resort to such tactics, it does not send a good message at all. I am tagging all the top profiles from nsut so they may respond with any information if available.

lucky_21, savy_123, hrithik_v, astroash, _WhyNotMe_, RaunaqRoxx, Harsh0911, shivamsatishgarg, Amanbhadauria01, raghav_0901, mafailure, icesaver, cuber_coder, aman28rwt, satyamgarg121, AnkurTiwari1903, traumatized, iceburst, nj099, leostars18.

EDIT: I know Anurag Lal exists as a person. It is not that the entire profile is of a non-existant person.


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en4 English nsut_dwarka 2022-01-07 17:50:05 448
en3 English nsut_dwarka 2022-01-03 16:59:26 166
en2 English nsut_dwarka 2022-01-03 16:26:20 270 Tiny change: 'ser:nj099].' -> 'ser:nj099], [user:leostars18].'
en1 English nsut_dwarka 2022-01-03 15:59:55 3533 Initial revision (published)